Halls Head – Multiple Development Opportunities

From $275 per m2

16 & 24 Hungerford Avenue & 4 Otley Close

Halls Head WA 6210



16 & 24 Hungerford Ave & 4 Otley Close, Halls Head

Three lots located within the Halls Heads commercial centre right in the middle of one of the biggest growth areas of Western Australia.

All three properties adjoin mixed use commercial properties and benefit from multiple medium density residential opportunities as well as aged care, child care, Independent living and other uses.

Land area:
16 Hungerford Ave 3,158sqm*
24 Hungerford Ave 4,028sqm*
4 Otley Close 7,141sqm*
Total approx 14,327sqm*

For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact:

Brett Wilkins
Ray White Commercial (WA)
M: 0478 611 168
E: brett.wilkins@raywhite.com

Stephen Harrison
Ray White Commercial (WA)
M: 0421 622 777
E: stephen.harrison@raywhite.com

* Approximate