"3x Remaining" - Modern High Clearance Office Warehouse - For Lease

From $27,000 to $39,950 pa net plus GST

65 Lakeside Drive

Oonoonba QLD 4811



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This high quality tilt panel warehouse facility is currently under construction and due to be completed by late August 2024.

The opportunity exists for tenants to secure this premium high clearance warehouse unit with prime exposure and set within the Fairfield bulky goods / retail, homemaker & business precinct.

Areas range from: 132m2 plus mezzanine to 220m2 plus mezzanine.

Unit 1: 219.37m2 plus mezz 32.17m2 - NLA = 251.54m2 - $39,950 pa net plus GST (outgoings approx. $10,203 pa) - LEASED
Unit 2: 165.91m2 plus mezz 32.17m2 - NLA = 198.08m2 - $32,685 pa net plus GST (outgoings approx. $7,953 pa)
Unit 3: 166m2 plus mezz 28.57m2 - NLA = 194.37m2 - $32,000 pa net plus GST (outgoings approx. $7,802 pa)
Unit 4: 132m2 plus mezz 22.43m2 - NLA = 153.54m2 - $27,000 pa net plus GST (outgoings approx. $6,276 pa)
Unit 5: NLA = 236.31m2 - LEASED

The mezzanines can be converted to offices if the requirement exists. The rental does not include the office conversion but can be amortised into the rent.

Each unit has it's own disability toilet/shower and allows for onsite parking and great access via the electric roller shutters. Further features include 8m height warehouse units enabling greater volume for pallet racking.

Rental: From $27,000 pa net plus GST (Plus Outgoings)

Contact Ray White Commercial Townsville today to discuss the opportunity to secure one of these premium units.